
The Barn Theatre, Southwick Community Centre

September 7, 8 & 9, 2006


by Christopher William Hill

Directed by
Mark Best

2006 BHAC Full Length Drama Competition

The Gabbus Denney Award for Best Director

Adjudicator’s Award – Danny Bayford for Spike

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“Humorous, entertaining, thoroughly enjoyable”
– Shoreham Herald –


Male Ushers

Tom Pearson – Dillon

Tom Harris – King

Hugo Harwood – Mouse

Danny Bayford – Spike

Miles Bland – Elton

Ian Grover – Jay

Rhys Webb – Fish

Matthew Bayford – Geach

Female Ushers

Annie Brooks – Princess

Sophie Lane – Twiglet

Katie Whitmore – Whizz

Sammy Scammel – Cass

Karla Coppendale – Mags

Kirsty Biss – Tash

Annabel Brook – Jo-Jo


Production Crew

Stage ManagerKevin Isaac

Lighting DesignMike Medway

Technical Stage ManagerHelen Brewster

Lighting & Sound TechnicianTanya Courtnadge

Lighting & Sound TechnicianLee Wenham

ASMZoey Attree

FilmJay Shurey

Projection EffectsHelen Brewster

Props & CostumesZoey Attree

Publicity & DesignRosemary Bouchy

Publicity & DesignRosemary Brown

Publicity & DesignAnna Barden

Publicity & DesignJudith Berrill

Front of HouseBetty Dawes

Box OfficeMark Flower


Programme Note #1: Multiplex

MB wrote “During my time directing for Young Wick, I have been astonished by the talent and dedication the group have shown in every production – and this year is no different. They really have been a delight to direct and teach. As well as performing on stage, the group have put tremendous enthusiasm into all aspects of the production, publicity, props, costumes, sound and lighting. The year’s show really has been a group effort. With at least three members busily working back stage and the rest of the cast giving it their all, this really is an ensemble piece!

Multiplex is a play that looks at the magical job of the humble usher. As we follow Dillon, one of the senior ushers, we explore the individual quirks of the characters and their status in their work life. Their hopes, dreams, fears and aspirations are all united through their love of film.

As you sit back with your popcorn and … ‘Ask yourself one question: what’s your favourite film, punk?'”