Act One : l to r : Peter Joyce : Sally Pumford : Brian Moulton : Rosemary Biggs : Ronald Cheesman

Most of the cast : l to r : Peter Joyce : Daphne Thornton : Ralph Dawes : Amanda Dawes : Rosemary Biggs : Sally Pumford : Barrie Bowen : Miranda Bowen : Betty Dawes [foreground] : Frank Hurrell [back left]

Dress-rehearsal audience reaction to Act 3 curtain line-up – l to r ; Rosemary Biggs : Jim Biggs : Barrie Bowen : Miranda Bowen : Joan Bearman : Sally Pumford : Susan Whittaker : Margaret Davy : Mike Davy : Sally Bacon : Jill Redman : Mo O’Neill
Act One : Visitor from Mamaroneck
Act Two : Visitor from Hollywood
Act Three : Visitor from Forest Hills