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Barefoot in the Park

The Barn Theatre, Southwick Community Centre

February 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 1973

Barefoot in the Park

by Neil Simon

Directed by
Richard Porter

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“Triumph for Young Producer”

– Shoreham Herald –


Monica Joyce – Corrie Bratter

Alan Upton – Telephone Man

Nikki Le Roy – Delivery Man

John Davidson – Paul Bratter

Valerie Bingham – Mrs. Banks

Jack Bingham – Victor Velasco


Production Crew

Production ManagerVincent Joyce

Stage ManagerMike Donkin

SettingsBarrie Bowen

SettingsBill Mack

SettingsAlan Upton

SettingsRonald Bolt

LightingFrank Hurrell

Sound EffectsRoger Stott

Wardrobe MistressCarol Brand

PropertiesMargaret Davy

PropertiesFrances Thorne

Stage DressingAnita Job

Assistant Stage ManagerEthel Barrs

Assistant Stage ManagerRoger Job

Assistant Stage ManagerBill Mack

DesignerVincent Joyce

Front of HouseGeorge Penney


Programme Note #1: Barefoot in the Park

RP wrote: “On reading this play one thing that struck me was the refreshing atmosphere already reflected in the title, is constant throughout. The zest for life with which Corrie Bratter faces marriage in a draughty apartment makes a pleasant and unusual change from some of the intenser [sic] aspects of life depicted in the modern theatre. That is not to say that I’m not a great advocate of the new drama, but I hope you will agree that there is always a place for this type of play.

I admire Neil Simon’s comedy style and think this one the best light comedies of the current theatre. I have been lucky in having a balanced cast, backed by a fine setting and efficient back stage staff and I hope you will find that together we have done justice to the play.”

Programme Note #2: Barefoot in the Park

“We have passed the halfway mark in our season with much to be happy about and already we are planning for next season which will be our 25th. We aim to make it a bumper year and have high hopes of staging a super production in the Spring of 1974 as a Silver Anniversary celebration. Getting together the best talent in our community will be a great event in itself and something to anticipate with joy.

Well, what have we to be pleased about – that is not a query and no mystery! The fact is that Nikki Le Roy’s production of The Lion in Winter turned out to be eminently successful. The Saturday night audience gave us what amounted to a standing ovation. This is always very heart-warming and makes all the trouble seem worthwhile. [We all like that little extra enthusiasm which says you’ve made it.] We can remember other similar occasions such as, for instance, the last night of Oh, What a Lovely War and Salad Days; we love it.

Another thing we are pleased about is the way Vincent Joyce and our Set Designers and Constructors have organised our workshop. The co-operative efforts have provided some very fine settings. We could still do with extra help backstage so if any of you would like to be put on our duty roster please come forward. We really do need you.

And now we are getting excited about our next production The Boyfriend [May 1 – 5] which is already cast and under way. It promises to be the sort of gay entertainment which will set your hearts singing and dispel the last of the Wick blues. We are also in rehearsal for the Southwick Festival with a One-Act play produced by George Porter – the choice has not been made as we go to press but it could be an Ionesco or Pinter play.”


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