
The Barn Theatre, Southwick Community Centre

August 11, 12, 13 & 14, 2010


by Yasmina Reza

Directed by
John Garland

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“One of my most enjoyable nights at the theatre”
– Shoreham Herald –


Mark Best – Marc

Rols Ham-Riche – Serge

Ryan Lainchbury – Yvan


Production Crew

Stage ManagerHem Cleveland

Lighting & SoundMike Medway

Sound RecordingsBob Ryder

PropsMargaret Davy

PropsSue Whittaker

Workshop TeamSue Chaplin

Workshop TeamDavid Collis

Workshop TeamDavid Comber

Workshop TeamMike Davy

Workshop TeamSheila Neesham

Workshop TeamMartin Oakley

Poster DesignMartin Oakley

PublicityRosemary Bouchy

PublicityRosemary Brown

Production PhotosLucien Bouchy

The ‘Canvas’Sue Chaplin

Front of HouseBetty Dawes


Programme Note #1: Art

JG wrote: “Throughout our lives we meet many people. Some are important to us for short periods of time, while others remain friends for many years. Some we see every day, while others we contact just once a year. What makes friendship work? Like all relationships, they need to be nurtured – we need to try to support our friends hen they need us and forgive them if they are unable to always be there for us.

Within a group of friends there need to be people who take different rôles to to keep the group together. If one person’s circumstances change, everyone needs to adapt to that change, or the group will splinter. This play is not about Art, it is about what happens when a piece of art becomes more important than a friendship.

I am fortunate to have many different groups of friends – from school, work, sport and theatre – and I thank them for always being there when I need them.”

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