wicktheatre > Archive > Performances > The Lady in the Van

The Lady in the Van

The Barn Theatre, Southwick Community Centre

December 6, 7, 8 & 9, 2006

The Lady in the Van

by Alan Bennett

Directed by
Tony Brownings and Katie Brownings

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“Hilarious & touching”
– Shoreham Herald –


Patricia Lyne – Miss Shepherd

David Peaty – Alan Bennett 1

Bob Ryder – Alan Bennett 2

Sheelagh Baker – Alan’s Mam

John Garland – Rufus

Diane Robinson – Pauline

Margaret Pierce – Interviewer

Judith Berrill – Social Worker

Derek Fraser – Underwood

Margaret Pierce – Doctor

Sheelagh Baker – Nun

Andy Hutchison – Doctor

Richard Bulling – Ambulance Driver

Ralph Dawes – Leo Fairchild

Andy Hutchison – Lout

Richard Bulling – Lout

Production Crew

Stage ManagementDavid Comber

Stage ManagementTony Holmes

Stage ManagementPhilip Oliver

Technical Stage ManagementHelen Brewster

ASMOlive Smith

Sound TechnicianSimon Snelling

Lighting DesignMike Medway

Lighting TechniciansTanya Courtnadge

Lighting TechniciansLee Wenham

PropertiesMargaret Davy

PropertiesSue Whittaker

WardrobeCherry Briggs

WardrobeMargaret Pierce

Workshop TeamDavid Comber

Workshop TeamTony Holmes

Workshop TeamDavid Collis

Workshop TeamRobert Mitchell

Workshop TeamPhilip Oliver

Workshop TeamTracey Holmes

Workshop TeamMark Flower

PaintersSheila Neesham

PaintersSue Chaplin

PaintersJudith Berrill

Publicity & DesignRosemary Bouchy

Publicity & DesignRosemary Brown

Publicity & DesignAnna Barden

Front of HouseBetty Dawes

Box OfficeMark Flower

Programme Note #1: The Lady in the Van

“Alan Bennett first wrote about his true life experiences of Miss Shepherd in 1989, in the form of an extended diary.. He then scripted this version for the stage, which premiered in 1999 to great acclaim with Maggie Smith in the title rôle. In the play, Bennett presents his own part in the story through two characters – one who deals with the everyday frustrations of life with Miss Shepherd over more than 15 years; the other who looks on in a more detached and amused way, with an eye to writing up the story. The play has been very popular on the professional stage and we are pleased that this is one of the first productions to take place in a community theatre.”

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