Publicity #1: Habeas Corpus
Publication: Shoreham Herald
Publication Data: March 1 issue – page 12
Reporter: Trevor Johnson
Text Header: “Wick romps ahead”
Text: Content
‘ NAUGHTY ‘ seaside postcard humour is guaranteed when the Wick Theatre Company’s production of Habeas Corpus comes to the Barn Theatre, Southwick.
Alan Bennett’s play is described by the cast as fast, furious and very funny. The action takes place in and around a doctor’s surgery in Hove, where a great deal of infidelity and trouser-dropping farce takes place.
Written nearly 20 years ago, the play is brilliant piece of traditional stage farce and a send-up of England’s permissive society.
The rôle of Dr Arthur Wicksteed is played by Ralph Dawes, who has been with the Wick Theatre Company for 40 years. He plays the ageing doctor who has his eyes set on Felicity Rumpers, his young patient played by Jo Hopper. Margaret Ockenden plays the doctor’s ‘dragon’ of a wife and her old flame Sir Percy Shorter is played by Vic Gough, who appears on stage without his trousers for the fist time ever. Liz Gibson – in her first appearance with the company – plays Felicity’s mother Lady Rumpers who has her sights set on Sir Percy.
The play features a host of other characters with names which would not seem out of place in Carry On Film.
Also included in the fun are the doctor’s sister [Claire Wiggins], a travelling corset fitter [Justin Finn], a hypochondriac [Charles Porter] a depressive [Jamie Boath] and a housekeeper [Rosemary Swabb] [sic]
Habeas Corpus runs from March 13 – 16.
Tickets are available from the Barn Box Office, telephone 597094.
Review #1: Habeas Corpus
Publication: Shoreham Herald
Publication Data: March 22 issue – page 7
Reviewer: Trevor Johnson
Text Header: “Wick had fun with love and trousers!”
Text: Content
THE characters in the Wick Theatre Company’s latest production made the cast of the Carry On movies seem quite sophisticated. Alan Bennett’s Habeas Corpus, staged last week at the Barn Theatre, Southwick, is a none too subtle send-up of trouser-dropping farce.
Betraying the play’s general tone are the character names, which include Canon Throbbing [Phil Balding] and Sir Percy Shorter [Vic Gough]. The plot unfolded the tale of Dr. Arthur Wicksteed and his attempts to seduce an attractive young patient [Jo Hopper]. Equally immoral was Muriel Wicksteed [Margaret Ockenden] who had her sights set on an old flame [Vic Gough].
The sex-obsessed script is not so hilarious as to leave an audience writhing on the floor in hysterics, its strength lying mainly with its endless double entendres. However, there was not a weak performance from any of the cast members. Particularly enjoyable were Ralph Dawes and Mrs. Mop cleaner [Rosemary Mose]. There was good support from Phil Balding as the incorrigible Cannon Throbbing, a photographer [Justin Finn] and hypochondriac son [Charles Porter in horrific seventies clothing].