Ariel – Emily Hale – awaits her master’s bidding
Caliban – Jacqueline Harper – a slave
Ferdinand – David Aitchison – the King’s son
Miranda – Sophie Lane – Prospero’s daughter, meets Ferdinand, the King’s son
Trinculo – Guy Steddon – a jester & Stephano – Alex Bond – a drunken butler
Caliban begs Trinculo & Stephano to ‘hush’
Caliban finds a novel way of keeping Trinculo from speaking
Stephano helps Caliban to savour the ‘golden’ nectar
The ‘magic’ feast draw admiration
The ‘feast’ is wonderd at
Ariel warns the diners at the ‘magic’ feast of fearsome happenings
The miscreants are finally brought to heel
Prospero contemplates the end of his reign over the island
Prospero decides to sever ties with the island and go home