Douglas Blake



Douglas Blake

Born: 26 . 02 . 1919

First Appearance: October 1983

Curtain Call: 31 . 07 . 1993


Ralph Dawes writes: “Betty and I got to know Douglas through his visits to Southwick Opera. He was appreciative of the singers in the company and as opera critic at the Daily Telegraph he would write a review of some of Southwick Operas productions which were published in the paper.

Through Betty’s contact with him he agreed to direct Trespass for the Wick.

He was a genuine and likeable person with a keen appreciation of opera and theatre both amateur and professional.

Betty and I visited him in Perth a year or two before his death in 1993.”


10/1983 – Trespass – Director

12/1983 – The Gingerbread Man – Mr. Big One